
Scent of gorse, bracken, purple heather, spiky grasses

Newport bay below me, glassy water


Sheep bleat across the moorland

Preseli perfection, Preseli peace

I hear the faint trickle of the stream, Mum and Dad’s stream below me

Soft breeze, sunbathing

The scent of my childhood

I feel my past

I remember Sunday afternoons

Grey blanket, coffee, orange plastic mugs, penguin bars, dipping my toes in the crystal-clear stream

I am connected, grounded, home, balanced, still, content


There is a special stream on the ‘other side’ of Carningli mountain. I have known this place since childhood, and it holds the most precious memories of time spent there with my parents. 

The spot commands stunning views over Newport Bay and Dinas Head. On a sunny day the scent of the gorse and bracken is intoxicating, on a stormy day you are totally immersed in the elements.

 This series of work is about the stream, it’s flow, depth, surface and ever changing nature. It is about texture and shape, the shafts of sunlight and unexpected colours. To me it is about cleansing, unity, peace and rest.

 Each piece is made using mixed media, mainly acrylic paint, collage and oil pastel. The surface is created using layers which are built up, rubbed back and painted over several times.

View the series here.